The Letter: A Page of My Life

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In 2009, Aunt Neta, the last surviving sibling of Pam’s manic-depressive mother dies. Upon her passing, several overstuffed boxes of memorabilia and other trivial articles are passed to Pam for disposition. Those boxes, brimming with rubbish, sat in Pam’s attic until a 2011 New Year’s resolution starts her on the quest to remove the clutter. While sifting through the boxes of papers, letters, and pictures, Pam uncovers treasures she didn’t know existed and evidence that the man she was told was not her father is more divinely entwined with her life than she could’ve imagined.

This short memoir, The Letter: A Page of My Life, is a true story of separation, despair, grief, hope, and transformation, and a single enduring truth: Sometimes in order to love someone, you must let them go.

The Letter - A Page of My Life
Available on Amazon in print, eBook, and audio formats.

Autographed paperback copies are available at the following local vendor:

The Museum Gift Shop — Wytheville, VA
Hours 10:00 am to 4:30 pm   Monday – Saturday

If you would like to offer The Letter at your business or library location, please send a message to Pam.


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  • Have you ever thought about what you would change in your life if you were given the chance to go back in time knowing what you know now? If so, what would you change?

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Pam's Signature Pic

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