Words of Eldershire

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The Words of Eldershire are provided here as an aid to you while you explore Eldershire and all of its inhabitants.

There is an internal language of the tree spirits that can only be understood by those who are of Elder decent. A common language is used among all beings of Eldershire to aid in communicating. This language is also known as English on Earth. The following listing of words are used in The Chronicles of Eldershire.

As the series grows, new words with their meanings will be added. The listing is a work in progress and is not extensive. If you have suggestions for words to include or would like more information about a particular word, share your thoughts by writing to Pam at info [at] pamnewberry [dot] com.

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NOTE: Names are in blue bold-italics while other nouns (i.e., a class of people, places, or things) are black bold. All other words are in normal font.

A through E

Ankou (Breton: /ɑːnkuː/an Ankoù)—a personification of death in Breton mythology as well as in Cornish (an Ankow in Cornish), Welsh (yr Angau in Welsh), and Norman French folklore.

Cri de coeur ( /ˌkrē də ˈkər/ )—a passionate appeal, complaint, or protest.

Drakein (syll. drake-in)—origin is Greek. The first type of Greek dragon was the Dracon whose name was derived from the Greek words “drakein” and “derkomai” meaning “to see clearly” or “gaze sharply.” The English word, dragon, is derived from drakein.

Elders—clan of Mother Elder and her descendants – King Elder, Queen Esmé, Princess Derryth and others. Derived from the Elder tree.

Eldershire—the place where one goes while learning his or her fate after death; the world of the Elders and other magical beings. For more details, see Where is the Land of Eldershire? located in the front of each book in the series.

F through J

Feckless (/ˈfekləs/) adj. —lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible. Origin: late 16th century.

Fraener (syll. fray-ner)—a variant form of Fafnir (Old Norse). An Old Norse myth name of a dwarf who transformed into a dragon, the symbol of greed. Also, called Fáfnir.

Gort (gort )—also known as ivy. Ogham letter G and the ruler of the 11th Lunar Month from 30th September – 27th October. It is known for the powers of friendship, healing, protection, steadfastness, and tenacity. In some historical references and Ogham tracts, the ivy is interchangeable with climbing woodbine. “Its chief mythological association is with the underworld god Dionysus of Greece, which is the equivalent of the Roman god Bacchus and the Celtic warlord god Bran” (from The Magic of The Ogham Trees).

K through O

Kei (/qei/)—the root meaning “go”; a god of the Brythons. From the description in the book, it is supposed Kei was ‘the god of fire.’ As quoted from the book, Religion of the Ancient Celts (circa 1911) in The Gods of the Brythons chapter on page 122: “The boastful Kei of the romances appears already in {123} Kulhwych, while in Geoffrey he is Arthur’s seneschal…He may thus have been a god of war, and his battle-fury may be poetically described in a curious passage referring to him in Kulhwych…This almost exactly resembles Cúchulainn’s aspect in his battle-fury. In a curious poem Gwenhyvar (Guinevere) extols his prowess as a warrior above that of Arthur, and in Kulhwych and elsewhere there is enmity between the two. This may point to Kei’s having been a god of tribes hostile to those of whom Arthur was hero.”

Mother Elder—associated closely with Celtic faerie lands, sacred to the goddesses Venus and Holle. The Myth is that of a spirit who inhabits the Elder tree, holds the power to work a variety of magics on Earth and in Eldershire; her skin, bark, and outer wood are strong and hard, offering protection against witches and the sap is the blood of life and the dwelling place of the spirit.

Muin (related to Welsh mwn and Latin monile. Its phonetic value is [m]) —known as a bramble (or in much of Europe – the vine). Muin is the Ogham letter M and ruler of the 10th Lunar Month from September 2nd – September 29th. It is noted for the powers of healing, protection, abundance, and wealth. “The legend most closely associated with blackberry vines is one warning not to pick and eat the fruit after Michaelmas Day – September 29th, or the old Michaelmas day, which was October 10th. The story is an ancient concoction of Christianity, paganism and old wives’ tales” (from The Magic of The Ogham Trees).

Nukpana (syll. nuk-pa-na)—origin is Native American and means evil one. A mythological hybrid and the offspring of the union between descendants of Anzû and Lilith with Drakein ancestry. Nukpana is a ‘Blender’—half witch and half Drakein. She can transform between one or the other at will. When angry, both come out of her.

P through Z

Snowquids (alt. Snowquidians, Snowquid)—the beings of the Land of Snowboro. They cherish life but realize everything is subject to change.

Treoraí (syll. tre-o-ray)—Irish for leader or navigator.

Yggdrasil (syll. ig-dra-sil)—in Norse mythology, Yaggdrasil is the holy Ash World Tree surrounded by nine worlds. It is said to connect the Underworld to Heaven with its branches and roots. From the symbol of the tree flows human awareness and consciousness.

Slang of Eldershire

Mossy – same as Wow

Sapling – young tree – young ‘un

Pollen – male

Ovary – female

Cute – clever

Bucko – lad, player

Bud – polite term when chatting

Ages – long time

Kerry – someone who will swear to anything

Ceili (Kaylee) – friendly call, like “Hey there,”

Pole – a tree without limbs – May Pole

Check back as new words are added. When series books are published, updates will be made to this concordance. Follow my blog for updates or sign up for email notifications (see side-bar to the right) for new posts.

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