New Novel, Newberry Tales

One reason to signup for my Newsletter

Sign up for Newberry Tales Newsletter

In honor of the release of my first novel, The Fire Within: Book One of The Marine Letsco Trilogy, I’m having a Give-a-Way drawing for one free copy!

It’s an exciting time!

Since April, at various book signings, I’ve asked people if they would like to join my newsletter by signing my “Help Build My Newsletter Subscribers” sign-up sheet.

Twenty-seven of you have done so.

Now, that The Fire Within is about ready for release (Saturday, August 9, 2014 to be exact)—I have taken the time to learn how to set up and get my first Mail Chimp Newsletter going!

Newsletter debut
First newsletter from Newberry Tales

So, for those souls who have already signed up to receive my newsletter, you will receive an e-mail announcement about the release of The Fire Within.

If you have not already signed up, do so now, by signing in on the Newsletter subscription form on the right hand side of any page or go to the Welcome page and cursor down to the bottom and you will see it the form there. You will not find it here on this blog page.

While you’re doing that, consider signing up for my blog posts. Future blog posts will be delivered to your mail in box. You don’t have to come to this website each time I post. But, feel free to drop in and visit when you want to see the latest book cover or read the latest news.

And, if you are wondering, the newsletter and blog posts will not be duplicates of the same information.

How to get a free paperback copy of The Fire Within?

First chance…

I have twenty-seven names of friends I’ve seen at book signings who have provided me with permission to include their e-mail addresses in my newsletter e-mail database.

If you have not signed up for my newsletter at a book signing or I have not personally asked you if I may sign you up, and you want to be included, please go to my website ( today before 6:00 p.m. EST.

On the Welcome page, scroll down to the bottom where you will find a form to subscribe to Newberry Tales Newsletter.

Your name and e-mail address (required) will be automatically stored in my newsletter database.

Then, later this evening, I’ll have a drawing from all those subscribed as of 6:00 p.m. EST on August 3, 2014 for one lucky person to receive a free copy of my debut novel, The Fire Within!

Don’t fret, if you are reading this post and you see it is after the deadline, I’ll have another drawing for a free copy later in the week. So check back!<

Happy Days!

P. S. If you can’t wait and want to buy a paperback copy, go to my CreateSpace page where you can buy as many copies as you like. The book will be available in eBook format on Amazon in a couple of weeks.

THANK YOU for your support!